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Cabinet’s joining to Arab concord tested

Reacting to Saudi Arabia’s preference to hindrance $4 billion in grants to squeeze arms for a Lebanese troops and police, a Mar 14 confederation called Sunday on a supervision to immediately accommodate to underline a joining to Arab oneness and unanimity, a pierce clearly directed during checking what it sees as flourishing Iranian change in a country.

Following a two-hour assembly of Mar 14 leaders, former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, conduct of a Future confederation in Parliament, review a matter warning that Lebanese-Arab family are now in danger since Hezbollah and a allies are giving priority to Iran’s interests.

Hariri warned that there would be escalatory measures if a Cabinet did not take a transparent position reporting Lebanon’s correspondence with Arab unanimity.

Hariri forked out that Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil did not coordinate his position with Salam when he refrained from endorsing corner statements released final month during apart meetings hold in Cairo and Jeddah accusing Iran of “interference in Arab state affairs” and labeling Hezbollah a militant organization.

Speaker Nabih Berri pronounced he upheld a convening of a Cabinet to underscore Lebanon’s joining to Arab unanimity.

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