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Focus shifts to a south’s metropolitan elections

With internal elections during a mid point, a nation’s eyes are now set on a south, where hurdles to a investiture parties, including Hezbollah, have manifested themselves.

The Free Patriotic Movement and Kataeb Party now browbeat a body, after garnering 14 of a 18 seats. The remaining 4 were won by a list corroborated by a Lebanese Forces, internal families, and former MPs Mansour al-Bon and Farid Haikal al-Khazen.

Most contend that a outcome is all though assured, as a south is a heartland of a Amal Movement and Hezbollah, though some are severe a determined parties’ reign.

A list corroborated by a Communist Party is seeking to benefit control of a metropolitan legislature of Kfar Roummane in a Nabatieh province.

Another list upheld by a Communist Party is severe Amal and Hezbollah’s list in Deir Zahrani.

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