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How coronavirus may accelerate the future of work

Coronavirus: How companies can handle employee travel
CDC defines exposure risk for airplane travelers, and firms encourage working from home for people who have been traveling in China.

The coronavirus outbreak may speed up the evolution of work and ultimately retool multiple industries as everything from conferences to collaboration to sales and commercial real estate are rethought.

China combatted coronavirus with quarantines and school and business closures. The supply chain still hasn’t recovered, and the parade of companies issuing profit warnings has picked up this week. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control in the US indicated that quarantines and other measures are likely in the US. Travel abroad and to conferences has also been limited and impacted other businesses ranging from airlines to restaurants to retail.

But in the grand scheme of things, the coronavirus scare may just accelerate changes in work already in play. Collaboration has relied more on video. Travel bans may retool sales and marketing practices as companies realize maybe those cross-country flights for drinks and dinner don’t deliver economic returns. And if most of the workforce can work from home without productivity loss, it’s going to be hard to justify commercial real estate costs. 

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Simply put, the coronavirus scare may just show us a better way to work. How enterprises navigate the coronavirus and changes to work will be telling. One thing is certain: The coronavirus is likely to mean the definition of business, as usual, will change. 

A few mileposts to consider:

“Seventeen years ago, the e-commerce business experienced tremendous growth after SARS. We believe that adversity will be followed by change in behavior among consumers and enterprises and bring ensuing opportunities. We have observed more and more consumers getting comfortable with taking care of their daily living needs and working requirements through digital means. We are confident in the ongoing digitization of China’s economy and society and are ready to see the opportunity to build the foundation for the long-term growth of Alibaba’s digital economy.”

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Coronavirus accelerates work reinvention; profits keep it in place

Zhang said that coronavirus is likely to alter how consumers conduct business in China. In the US, buying behavior may also change. Ultimately, coronavirus is going to lead to more efficient operations and perhaps lead to better work practices and profits. While coronavirus will hit certain parts of the economy hard, enterprises may see real savings.


  1. Travel expenses will fall. Once enterprises realize you can survive with a lot fewer face-to-face interactions, travel expenses will be questioned more. Remember that the initial argument for video conferencing was that enterprises would see returns due to travel savings.
  2. The use of automation will be accelerated to augment the workforce. 
  3. Commercial real estate costs fall. Once remote work becomes more of the norm, the need for hulking corporate complexes diminishes. This move toward more adaptable commercial real estate has been underway for a while, but coronavirus may accelerate the trend.
  4. HR practices will change. Fewer humans in one confined space may mean fewer human resource issues and investigations. Already stretched HR departments could allocate their time better.

At first, the demand hit from the coronavirus is likely to eclipse savings, but there will be efficiencies that stay.  

Your coronavirus enterprise toolkit

While work contingency plans are being formed, it’s worth revisiting your existing policies and filling in gaps. Here are IT policies that apply to potential coronavirus impacts. 

Telecommuting policy

As more and more employees request the opportunity to perform some or all of their work from a remote location, the need has grown for organizations to have clearly defined guidelines that govern employee and company expectations and responsibilities.

This policy describes the organization’s processes for requesting, obtaining, using, and terminating access to organization networks, systems, and data for the purpose of enabling staff members to regularly work remotely on a formal basis.

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Risk management policy

Risk management involves the practice of addressing and handling threats to the organization in the form of cybersecurity attacks and compromised or lost data. The process of establishing appropriate risk management guidelines is critical to ensure company operations and reputation do not suffer adverse impact.

It’s not an easy process, achieving a sound risk management foundation, because of all the moving parts involved: Users, systems, network, data, remote or cloud locations, and other elements can produce a level of complexity difficult to tame. The approach must involve both the overall forest as well as individual “trees.”

The purpose of this Risk Management Policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide guidelines for establishing and maintaining appropriate risk management practices. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

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