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Syria antithesis final hindrance to attacks before fasten talks

Plans to reason a initial negotiations in dual years to finish a polite fight in Syria were in doubt Wednesday after a antithesis pronounced it would not uncover adult unless a United Nations responded to final for a hindrance to attacks on municipal areas.

The Syrian supervision has already concluded to join a talks that U.N. attach� Staffan de Mistura hopes to assemble in an surreptitious format in Geneva Friday with a aim of finale a war.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov pronounced a Syrian supervision commission would be headed by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, though there was no evident acknowledgment on Syrian state media.

Washington urged Syrian antithesis groups to attend.

after a United Nations released invitations to other regime opponents.Kurds, who control a swath of northern Syria, were not invited and likely a talks would fail.

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