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Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: How Life In Lockdown Inside Their $14.7M Mansion Made Them ‘Stronger’

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have found ways to keep their marriage ‘stimulating’ inside their luxurious new mansion in Montecito, Santa Barbara!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry tied the knot in May of 2018. (Photo Credit: AP)

But Meghan and Harry aren’t simply happy because of their fancy new walls. They’re genuinely enjoying the increased quality time they get to spend together! “They also really love working together on all their projects, it’s very stimulating for them and their relationship,” our source reveals. “Some couples might have a hard time being together almost 24/7 but they are treasuring it. If anything, it’s made their relationship even stronger.” Meghan and Harry have also been using this time to bond with their one-year-old son Archie — Meghan even revealed that Archie took his very first steps during quarantine!

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