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Many assisting hands – 
initiatives for refugees


Welcome Pilots

Bakers, roofers, carpenters: some refugees have good qualifications. How can companies and refugees get together? The Welcome Pilots intrigue ­initiated by a Federal ­Ministry of Economic ­Affairs helps refugees make hit with tiny and medium-sized ­companies.

KfW grants

The KfW Foundation is ancillary 14 business startups with a programme called Ankommer (“Arrivers”). All a startup teams aim to foster a formation of refugees into a work market. Each extend is value 12,500 euros.


Welcome classes

The element of mandatory preparation also relates to interloper children in Germany. In Berlin a children start by training German in “welcome classes”. When they have mastered a new language, they join unchanging propagandize classes.

START scholarships

Many immature refugees would like to benefit propagandize qualifications. Hertie Foundation START scholarships support them in this finish and capacitate refugees to take adult a operation of educational opportunities.

Higher education

Information for studies

The DAAD website “Information for Refugees – Studying and Living in Germany” is directed during refugees who have arrived in Germany and would like to start or continue a march of investigate here. The site has been translated into ­Arabic, Dari, Pashto and Urdu and provides an overview of a categorical topics that are applicable to investigate in Germany.

Experience Worldwide

Students from Germany and graduates from all over a universe accommodate as equals during Academic ­Experience Worldwide. The core of a platform, that is formed during a Goethe University Frankfurt, is a tandem programme involving students and haven seekers. The aim is to confederate rarely competent refugees into a aloft preparation landscape.

Scholarships in a 

In 1992 a Federal Government launched a 
Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI). It enables quite means refugees 
to investigate during a university or college in a region.

Assistance for ­researchers

The Philipp Schwartz ­Initiative offers new ­opportunities for persecuted scholars. Launched by a Federal Foreign Office, a Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and other partners, a programme helps ­German universities and investigate institutions take on unfamiliar researchers for a specific time.


Silent University

Refugees can learn other refugees during a Silent University. The initial hospital was set adult in London in 2012. In a meantime there are branches in ­different locations, including Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia.


Decentralised ­accommodation

Refugees and internal residents live as approach neighbours in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Whenever possible, refugees are housed in apartments widespread opposite a city. This has had a certain change on amicable cohesion.

Refugees welcome

The Flüchtlinge Will­kommen online height finds common housing for haven seekers. Refugees live alongside hotel guest during Augsburg’s Grand ­Hotel Cosmopolis, that also offers artists’ studios and a café in serve to a hotel rooms. The aim is to confederate refugees ­into a community.


Goethe-Institut ­initiatives

The Goethe-Institut ­organises several programmes for refugees abroad. For instance, a reading-aloud plan for children has been launched in Jordan and a mobile song propagandize set up in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. In Turkey there are puppet theatres. The aim is to capacitate immature refugees to improved cope with their fears.

Phrase book

Refugees and helpers during a University of Leipzig have put together an ­online word book of critical terms. Tapes of standard situations during supervision offices or a doctor’s medicine can be played as audio files in several languages.


Learning from other students is infrequently ­particularly instructive, that is because some schools now have “language ambassadors”. The students spend their giveaway durations in classes done adult mostly of refugees and assistance them to learn German.

Interpreter pool

A pool of interpreters has been built adult during Mainz University. Students and lecturers assistance refugees in their meetings with 
social services.

Volunteer teachers

Refugees get on best in bland life if they can pronounce German. Voluntary denunciation teachers are giving refugees ­German lessons in many cities.


DW telenovela

Love, intrigues, studies and operative life: Deut­sche Welle’s telenova “Jojo sucht das Glück” (Jojo Looks for Happiness) is as multifaceted as many people’s daily lives. The uncover also provides information about Germany and gives an sense of what life is like there.

Welcome app

Help in an emergency, contribution about opposite cities, recommendation on a haven procession – all of these are accessible on smartphones with a Welcome App Germany. It can be downloaded giveaway of assign in German, English and Arabic.

Goethe-Institut collection and programmes

The Goethe-Institut helps refugees to learn German with giveaway interactive tools that embody a word trainer, a wording app and an online self-study programme.

News for refugees

The radio channel Funk­haus Europa broadcasts a five-minute news ­programme for refugees twice a day during 5 to twelve. It offers a far-reaching operation of information in Arabic and English ­– ­including news about a stream conditions in ­Germany, unsentimental tips on health, law, formation and intentional initiatives as good as reports from a interloper route.

Heimfocus magazine

Readers of Heimfocus find out how refugees see a world. The repository is published quarterly and is upheld by a NGO Pro Asyl, a City of Würzburg and other partners. Heim­focus does not usually news on refugees, though also has them do some stating themselves. The repository was founded by publisher Addis Mulugeta, who fled to Germany from Ethiopia during a finish of 2009.



Magdeburg-based med­ical students are charity consultations for refugees in an beginning called Medinetz. The volunteers advise a patients and arrange appointments for them with specialists, who afterwards yield them anonymously and giveaway of charge.

Help from Malteser 

The Malteser Migrants Medicine organization can be found in 14 German cities. People ­without current chateau standing or health word can find a alloy here to lift out initial examinations and ­provide puncture care.

Trauma therapy

Trauma therapists all over Germany are assisting refugees come to terms with their experiences. The Psycho-Social Centre for Refugees in Düsseldorf provides support for approximately 400 people a year.

Everyday life

Start with a Friend

The Start with a Friend beginning brings together Berlin adults and ­refugees. The tandem partners try a city together, speak or learn German and assistance in ­dealing with a author­ities.

Integration march for women

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) offers an formation march generally for women. Female refugees and migrants learn German in adult to 960 lessons. The curriculum ­also covers believe of bland life and insights into Germany’s authorised system, enlightenment and history.

Aachen Hands

The volunteers from the Aachen Hands organization yield ­important support for immature refugees by “adopting” unaccom­panied interloper minors. They assistance in bland life, yield educational support and act as guides to a unfamiliar ­culture.

Do it!

A Wuppertal-based ­project called “Do it!” goes one step further. The helpers act as vol­untary guardians for ­unaccompanied interloper ­minors. They make certain a children attend propagandize and have age-­appropriate accommodation; they also take caring of health and authorised issues.

Learning how other people cook

Refugees and march participants ready dishes together as partial of a Über basement Tellerrand initiative. Cooks uncover how a set dish is prepared in their home country. The courses are also about removing to know other cultures.

Events and excursions

Whether it’s a revisit to a cinema or an tour to a children’s party, the Hamburg-based 
jal ALB organisation 
organises excursions: 
a ­welcome daze from bland life 
for refugees vital in ­temporary accom­modation.

Football initiative

The German Football ­Association is ancillary veteran and pledge clubs that take on refugees with a special ­programme called “1:0 für ein Willkommen”.



The Welcomegrooves plan helps refugees learn German in a mu­sical way. The 6 online lessons underline laid-back credentials song and are now accessible in 24 languages. The plan was upheld by some-more than 70 volunteers from a fields of music, denunciation and text, 
design, record and amicable media.

Dance of joy

Refugee children theatre their really possess “dance of joy” in a Freudentanz plan organized by Munich-based amicable workman Eva-Maria Weigert. Dancing lets a immature refugees learn to act out their feelings and overcome their fears. They are taught in a witty approach to honour any 
other and to rise a ­feeling of self-worth.

Discovering art

Their cinema are ­resplendent with many colours. KRASS is a ­Düsseldorf-based organisation that enables immature artists to do their ­creative thing in a mobile studio. Every week, ­artists, art therapists and volunteers revisit 6 interloper centres with donated materials. By portrayal pictures, a immature refugees learn to routine traumas and to confront what they have experienced.

Open studio

Turkish-born artist, art clergyman and art therapist Hasan Deveci non-stop his studio for immature painters for a initial time in ­September 2014. The aim is to capacitate Syrian interloper children to demonstrate what they have seen and to routine it with a assistance of painting.

Legal advice

Refugee law clinics

Many refugees can’t ­afford a lawyer. Alter­natives have therefore ­developed during some ­German universities, where students offer giveaway authorised recommendation for ­refugees in interloper law clinics. For example, they accompany people to appointments with ­official authorities. The up-and-coming lawyers also support their ­clients with central authorised association or ­review authorised situations. Around 20 such law clinics now exist in Germany, and many some-more are being established.

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