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Trump cranks up attacks on the Black Lives Matter movement for racial justice

CNBC reached out to the White House to ask if the president was aware that Newsome was not actually a “Black Lives Matter leader,” but a spokesman did not respond to questions.

Exactly one minute after Trump tweeted out Newsome’s quote, he posted another tweet about BLM.

This time, Trump railed at New York Mayor Bill De Blasio’s recently announced decision to paint a “Black Lives Matter” mural on Fifth Avenue in front of one of Trump Tower, the site of Trump’s former residence. It is one of five such murals being painted throughout the city. 

Trump claims in the tweet that a chant about killing police is “their chant,” referring to the Black Lives Matter movement. But that chant has not been popular with protesters in New York or anywhere else in the country in the wake of George Floyd’s killing in late May in Minneapolis.

Five minutes after the mural tweet, Trump tweeted, “LAW AND ORDER!” one of his most oft-repeated phrases ever since the start of the nationwide movement for racial justice that was triggered by Floyd’s death.

The tweets come near the end of a week during which the president, trailing badly behind Democrat Joe Biden in presidential polls, has repeatedly sought to sow fresh racial divisions among Americans.

In the past seven days, Trump has deployed a racist nickname for the deadly coronavirus, demanded that a toppled Confederate statue in Washington be restored, tweeted context-free videos of black people attacking white people, tweeted a doctored video purportedly showing a “racist baby,” and accused former President Barack Obama of “treason.” 

By cranking up the same culture wars that helped Trump to win the White House in 2016, the president hopes to galvanize his core supporters, and to drive a wedge between suburban middle-class White voters and the activists protesting in cities across the nation. 

Yet polls increasingly show that Trump’s strategy is backfiring. Instead of siding with Trump against the protests, some of which have turned violent, a majority of Americans say the country’s leaders should focus on the underlying reasons for the protests, and not on cracking down on protesters, even ones who break the law.

A New York Times/Siena College poll released this week found that 63% of registered voters said they would rather back a presidential candidate “who focuses on the cause of protests, even when the protests go too far.” Only 31% said they would prefer to support a candidate “who says we need to be tough on demonstrations that go too far.”

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