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10 mistakes even Germans keep creation in German

  • September 15, 2016

Germany was prolonged famous as a land of Dichter und Denker (poets and thinkers), including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Hannah Arendt – people who had a conspicuous authority of their possess language.

But modern-day Germans are not utterly on a same turn – in fact they mostly make unequivocally simple errors.

Here are 10 abbreviation and spelling mistakes Germans make all a time.

1. Einzigste – only-est

Germans competence tell we that they were “der/die einzigste” (the usually one), who was means to chug 3 beers in 20 mins during Oktoberfest.

But, only like there’s no greatest for “only” in English, there is zero for the German homogeneous einzige.

While we competence have good intentions in indicating this out to your friends, they will substantially not take it lightly.

Many Germans still humour mishap from their teachers ceaselessly reprimanding them in category for observant einzigste.

2. Meist beliebteste – many popular-est

The many beloved-est goalkeeper of a German football team. Photo: DPA

In general, superlatives are stumbling stones for local German-speakers.

If German kids get unequivocally vibrated about, say, football, and shout: “Manuel Neuer is der am meisten beliebteste Fußballer!” (Manuel Neuer is a many popular-est football player), we have each reason to set them straight.

There is zero some-more greatest than beliebteste – even if it is Manuel Neuer we are articulate about. 

3. Wegen dem… – since of the

“Ich fight wegen dem Essen bei meinen Eltern zu müde für’s Berghain,” (I was too sleepy for Berghain since I’d had cooking with my parents) your party-buddy competence content we a morning after ditching we for a night of clubbing. Wrong.

First of all: one doesn’t simply select one’s relatives over Germany’s many famous techno club.

And secondly, it’s wegen des Essens, appreciate we unequivocally much. There are some exceptions, though generally wegen is followed by a genitive object – a guideline that many Germans embankment when they speak.

4. Besser wie… – improved than

Aldi. Photo: DPA

Your neighbour is good adequate to explain to we that “Aldi ist viel billiger wie Kaisers” (Aldi is most cheaper than Kaisers), so since are we cringing?

Well, you’re right to – as we unequivocally good know, one uses “als” to review unsymmetrical things such as differences in pricing during supermarkets.

You should use wie for comparing equal things, like if we were to contend “Kaiser’s ist genauso billig wie Aldi” (which it’s not).

5. Hatte gemacht gehabt… – had said

You’ve been perplexing to hang your conduct around all these hatte/habe/etc. (has/had) of a Präteritum, Perfekt, and Plusquamperfekt.

But all of a remarkable your German crony says “ich hatte gestern schon meinen Abwasch gemacht gehabt” and we consternation what this gehabt is doing during a end.

While some commend gehabt as partial of a moving called “Double Perfect”, mostly it is simply nonessential – like in this instance, where “ich hatte meinen Abwasch gemacht” would meant a same thing.

6. Die Mutter ihre Schuhe – a mom her shoes

Talking about your mum’s boots in German is easy.

But since Germans are fans of involved phrases, they’ll make it complicated, and afterwards fail.

A companion competence contend “meine Mutter ihre Schuhe sind schön” (my mother’s boots are beautiful) – and be utterly wrong, during slightest about a judgment structure.

While some German dialects ordinarily use this form of a possessive, a German clergyman would put a thick red line by it. Just contend “die Schuhe meiner Mutter” and you’re good.

7. Daß – that, as a conjunction

“Daß” used to be what is currently spelled as “dass” – a and introducing an eccentric clause.

But a daß-spelling became improper after the Rechtschreibreform, a poignant change in German spelling and abbreviation that took outcome in 1998 though was still theme to remodel for years to come.

If one of your comparison German friends uses daß in an email, it’s substantially best to omit it – unless we wish your inbox to fill adult with sour mutterings about German abbreviation rules.

8. Dasselbe und das Gleiche – (not) a same thing

The same car? Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Norsk Elbilforening

If we haven’t mastered a eminence between “das selbe…” und “das gleiche…”, don’t worry too most – many Germans haven’t either.

Here’s a difference: if we and your crony are both pushing BMWs, you’re pushing “das gleiche Auto”, definition a same form of car, not indeed a same vehicle.

But if one is sitting on a other’s path in a driver’s chair and you’re both grabbing a steering wheel, you’re pushing “das selbe Auto”.

9. … weil, ich disorder noch… – since we have to…

“Ich hab’ mir einen Döner geholt, weil ich hatte noch Hunger,” (I got myself a Döner, since we was still hungry), your crony competence contend while spitting small pieces of beef onto his shirt.

But he should be observant “…, weil ich noch Hunger hatte” since the conjugated noun always comes during a finish of an eccentric clause.

And, of course, he shouldn’t be articulate with his mouth full.

10. Geb! Ess! Werf! – give, eat, throw

Got to have your abbreviation right. Photo: Pixabay

Perhaps since they have rather depressed out of adore with their troops in new times, many Germans have lost how to give commands scrupulously – or during slightest ones that are grammatically correct.

You competence find a modern-day troops central cheering “Ess!” during a infantryman and a subordinate only rolling his eyes during a grammatical mistake pas.

The scold form would be “Iss!” – since when you’re revelation a singular person, a initial “e” of some verbs, including geben (give), essen (eat), and werfen (throw) turns into an “i”.

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