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Cologne proposes bike-friendly main drag — to a point

  • October 24, 2017

Opened as Cologne’s grand boulevard in 1886, the Ring has become the clogged artery that connects the city’s north and south to the heart of downtown. Switching names 10 times over 7.5 kilometers (4.5 miles), it’s an aggressively hectic roadway that is disorienting for pedestrians, frustrating for drivers and dangerous for cyclists.

On much of the Ring, cyclists get less than a meter (3.3 feet) of designated space. Tires catch on the loose red bricks laid to mark the bike lane or slide over piles of muddy leaves that accumulate year-round in the drippy northwestern city. When it’s not blocked by delivery vehicles, the bike lane is crisscrossed by suits on the way to work and parents pushing baby strollers, and at various points stepped into by servers at sidewalk cafes and tourists taking selfies.

Now Cologne’s transit office is hoping to do something about that — at least on a heavily trafficked stretch of the Ring between Friesenplatz and Zülpicher Platz that is especially bad for biking.

Cycling proposal for Cologne

It’s a start

The office has proposed a pilot program to close off one lane of traffic in each direction to cars on a section of the Ring and open it up to cyclists, which would also broaden the sidewalks for pedestrians. Starting in 2018 and likely to last a year or more, cyclists would get 2.5 meters of pavement previously designated for cars and the city would remove 43 parking places and increase the visibility of designated bike lanes with signage and road painting.

“We are seeking measures that can be quickly put into place and in parallel planning the conversion of the entire city,” Klaus Harzendorf, who heads Cologne’s streets and transit department, said when announcing the program last week.

Cyclists would welcome nearly any improvements in Cologne, which ranked 37th out of 39 German cities in its size category in a poll by the national cycling association. The survey asked respondents 12 questions about cycling in their cities, including the cleanliness of bike lanes, harmonization of traffic signals and parking. Cologne scored especially poorly on lane width and surface material,the amount of obstacles for bikersand the general feeling of security on two wheels.

“It’s certainly a step forward,” said Reinhold Goss (pictured at top), who founded the #RingFrei initiative to increase the options for nonautomotive mobility on the road. “It’s just going way too slowly and hesitantly. You worry that they could go back on it.”

Free the Ring event

For four hours in September, #RingFrei demonstrated a more bikeable road

(Insufficiently) ‘radical plans’

Though the idea received generally uncritical coverage, an article written by Robert Baumanns warned on the front page of the daily newspaper Express that “radical plans will shut drivers out.”

In an op-ed, Baumanns accused the administration of “advancing on downtown with a crowbar” with such plans as lowering speed limits and converting some non-Ring roads into cycling streets for two-way two-wheeled traffic, even if that means reducing parking.

Local cycling advocates, however, said the city is not doing enough to tame the Ring and called the test zone far too short.

“What’s that? Four hundred meters?” Goss said just north of the planned trial area — which officially measures about 350 meters — at an intersection where cars turned right across cyclists and pedestrians filled the bike lanes because drivers clogged the crosswalks.

Goss said the plan was less a pilot program than “an alibi” that allows city planners to say they are making progress on helping Cologne’s cyclists, 1,880 of whom were injured last year.

“Public transit is overwhelmed like in all of Europe, so they’re trying to get people to walk or bike for short trips, but you have to offer the infrastructure,” Goss said.

Comprising the Greens, Social Democrats and Left party, a majority on the city council’s transit committee suggested that planners lengthen the pilot program’s zone 600 meters to Friesenplatz, which would cover the entirety of one of the most trafficked sections of the Ring. The committee’s center-right parties, the Christian Democrats and liberal Free Democrats, oppose extending the proposal. The committee will next debate the issue on December 5 before it moves to the full council for a vote.

Goss said he cannot understand what makes the proposal so controversial.

“We’re not asking them to build anything,” he said. “We’re asking them to paint the streets.”

For now, he said, “we’ve got this segment — at least half of it.”

  • Kölner Lichter (picture-alliance/dpa/M. Kusch)

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    Cologne Cathedral – literally a huge landmark

    Some 20,000 people visit it every day making it one of Germany’s most popular travel destinations. Cologne Cathedral is over 700 years old, and it took just as many more years to build it in the first place. This Gothic architecture masterpiece has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.

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    Old town center – a modern historical place

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    Home of traditional Kölsch beer

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    Museums – from ancient to present times

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  • 10 Gründe für Köln (Jens Korte/KölnTourismus GmbH)

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    Churches – testimony to former glory

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    Rheinpark – a big playground

    Opposite the Cathedral, on the shores of the Rhine you find the 40 hectare Rheinpark. It was created in 1912 and in 2007 it was named Germany’s best park. Extensive lawns in the summer serve as playgrounds for football matches and BBQ evenings. The Rhine cable cars take you from here across the river to Cologne Zoo.

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    Carnival – Cologne’s fifth season

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    Trade fairs – from Gamescom to Art Cologne

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  • 10 Gründe für Köln (picture alliance/R. Goldmann)

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    Open-minded and welcoming

    Metropolitan and tolerant – that’s what Cologne stands for – so no surprise that the city on the Rhine is a gay stronghold. Once a year the ColognePride, a two-week event to support gay and transgender rights, is held – the biggest of its kind in Europe. Party highlight in the gay scene is the three-day Christopher Street Day parade, which takes place in Cologne on the first July weekend.

  • 10 Gründe für Köln (Dieter Jacobi/KölnTourismus GmbH)

    10 reasons to love Cologne

    Rhine – trade route and recreation

    One of Cologne’s many bonuses’ is its river location – and what a wonderful waterway it is! The Rhine is Germany’s longest river. Romans knew how convenient the location was when they founded a settlement here in 19 BC. Take an excursion on a river boat to fully appreciate the cityscape of the old town center with the cathedral – or why not grab a paddle and row out onto the river yourself?

    Author: Christina Deicke (sc)

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