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COVID: England eases restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers

  • September 17, 2021

The British government on Friday eased up its rules for international travelers arriving in England.

Pricey COVID-19 testing requirements for fully vaccinated travelers are being scrapped from October 4.

The UK also removed eight countries from its “red list.” People returning from Turkey, Pakistan and the Maldives, among other countries, will not have to quarantine upon return.

Newer, simpler travel regulations

British Transport Minister Grant Schapps posted on Twitter that government was “making testing easier for travel.”

There will now be a simple ranking system of either low or high risk countries, as opposed to the traffic light system of red, amber and green.

The rule changes will apply to England. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland make their own decisions regarding policy.

The measures are expected to give international travel a much needed shot in the arm. The airline and travel sectors were battered by COVID-19 restrictions.

COVID restrictions in England

On July 19 leaders in England went ahead with plans to ditch most of the lockdown measures that had been in place.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s “freedom day” was criticized by political opponents and some in the medical profession. 

kb/rt (AP, Reuters)

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