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Don’t make all the same Zoom meeting mistakes the UK government did

  • April 01, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we work and interact with others. One thing that’s changed is meetings. No longer are we cramming around a table in a stuffy room. Thanks to tools like Zoom, we get to do meetings from the comfort of your own homes.

But an image of a Zoom meeting tweeted out by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of their first digital cabinet meeting highlighted a number of mistakes.

Here’s the image:


Boris Johnson

Let’s take a look at the mistakes, and learn from them, so our online meetings are better.

Note: While we’re looking at a Zoom meeting here, many of these tips apply to other online meeting and collaboration services.

Must read: Coronavirus social distancing got you down? Tips and tricks to help you through it

1: Tweeting out your meeting ID is a dumb idea

Even if your meeting is password-protected — and it should be — doing this opens you out to phishing attacks.

2: Lift the camera to eye height

No one wants to spend a whole meeting looking up your nose!

3: Make sure your name is showing

Don’t be this guy!


4: Pay attention to the background of your video

Sitting with your back to a window, or in a cluttered room, makes the image very busy and distracting. 

5: Be wary of whiteout

If you’re in front of or next to a bright window or another light source, you can end up looking like a ghost.

Don’t be these guys!


6: Frame the shot

If you’re bothering to have a video meeting, make sure you’re in the meeting!

Don’t be this guy!


7: Does everyone need to be on video?

Sometimes audio-only is better and less distracting. Also, for those on more limited connections, it means a smoother meeting.

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