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Netherlands: Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries shot in Amsterdam

  • July 06, 2021

Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries was shot and wounded in a gun attack in the center of Amsterdam on Tuesday evening local time, Dutch media reported.

De Vries, 64, was taken to hospital in a seriously wounded state, reports said. 

Police confirmed only that a man had been shot and injured and called for witnesses.

He had reportedly been taking part in a television show where he was a regular guest.

Police were said to be looking for a suspect wearing a dark-green jacket.

Unverified footage shared on social media showed De Vries lying on his back with blood on his face.

The Het Parool news outlet quoted witnesses as saying he had been shot in the head.

On a hit list

In 2019, De Vries wrote on Twitter that he had been informed by police and justice officials that he was on the hit list of a fugitive criminal.  

From 1995 to 2012, he hosted a highly popular Dutch television program on crime that covered high-profile cases.

He is also known for his investigative work following the 1983 kidnapping of beer magnate Freddy Heineken. He became known in the US for his work investigating the disappearance of teenager Natalee Holloway in 2006.

More to come.

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