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Police: ‘house of horrors’ span tortured, killed 2 women

  • May 03, 2016

Police pronounced they were not statute out some-more deaths from what one journal dubbed a “house of horrors”, where one woman’s physique was cut adult and burnt in a fireplace.

The 46-year-old man, identified by Bild daily as Wilfried W., and his ex-wife, Angelika B., 47, were arrested final week, indicted of harassing a lady by roughly dual months of captivity.

The integrate was held after their automobile pennyless down with a badly bleeding 41-year-old lady inside. She died hours after in sanatorium from a conduct injury.

On Tuesday prosecutors and military pronounced a womanlike think had certified to during slightest one some-more murdering by a couple, and to trapping several some-more women over a years.

The second plant was a 33-year-old woman, whose physique a integrate had stored in a deep-freezer, afterwards cut into pieces and incinerated in their fireplace.

The lady had died on Aug 1, 2014 as a outcome of “severe earthy abuse”, in a encampment residence in a western city of Höxter, pronounced arch prosecutor Ralf Meyer.

Meyer stressed that investigators could not order out that some-more people were killed, nonetheless military during this theatre had no justification of serve deaths.

“We are looking for some-more victims” who survived, pronounced Ralf Östermann, arch of a carnage multiplication in a circuitously city of Bielefeld.

He also told a press discussion that a masculine think had denied all charges of abuse and woe and had placed all a censure on his ex-wife.

Meyer pronounced military had no justification of passionate abuse in a case.

The integrate married in 1999 and filed for divorce in 2013, a same year a masculine married a 33-year-old lady who after died, military said.

Östermann pronounced a masculine think had also “massively abused” his co-accused ex-wife.

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