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South Korea: Search for survivors intensifies after helicopter crash

  • November 01, 2019

Rescue efforts were underway on Friday after a South Korean ambulance helicopter with seven people on board crashed into the sea off the country’s east coast.

Seong Ho-seon, who is part of the team looking for survivors, said that the helicopter was responding to an injury of a crab fisherman when it crashed at approximately 11:30 p.m. Thursday. It had the wounded patient on board and was en route to a hospital in Daegu on the mainland when tragedy struck.

Map showing Dokdo, where the helicopter took off from

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“We presume that the helicopter crashed into sea within two minutes after liftoff,” Seong said as part of a televised briefing.

Interior Minister Chin Young chairs a meeting with related government officials via teleconference at the government complex in Seoul. He was reacting to the helicopter crash in the East Sea

The accident took place near the South Korea-controlled islets of Dokdo.

Numerous airplanes have been deployed, as well as 30 divers, but until now, no survivors have been found.

jsi/aw (AP, Reuters)

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