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This map shows only how pennyless North-Rhine Westphalia is

  • May 10, 2017

A hundred years ago a segment that is now NRW was a industrial heartland of Germany. Even after a Second World War, mining in a Ruhr segment played an critical partial in putting a degraded Germany behind on a feet.

But decrease of a spark attention given a 1960s has had a deleterious outcome on a region’s economy, withdrawal it with some of a top stagnation and crime rates in a country.

Minister President Hannelore Kraft, a Social Democrat, has invested heavily in preparation given holding energy in 2010. But a open debt of €179.6 billion lays unclothed a plea that she or opposition Armin Laschet of a Christian Democrats will face in a subsequent legislative period.

Infografik: So verschuldet ist Nordrhein-Westfalen | Statista

But a design is not so murky when one looks during open debt per inhabitant. The city states of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen all have aloft debts per chairman than Germany’s many populous state, as does a tiny southwestern state of Saarland.

But NRW’s €13,285 of debt per conduct is still distant aloft than Baden-Württemberg’s €5,685.

On a and side, NRW announced in Jan that final year it took on no new open debts for a initial time given 1972.

SEE ALSO: Everything we need to know before a opinion in North Rhine-Westphalia

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