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WATCH: Germans tell us where family with a US are headed

  • February 08, 2017

In light of new clashes between German politicians and Donald Trump, it’s satisfactory to contend that family between a German and American governments aren’t during record highs.

A new check even confirmed that German trust in a transatlantic attribute has forsaken to roughly a same turn as open trust in Russia.

With that in mind, The Local took to a streets of Berlin to ask a opinions of bland Germans on where they consider a attribute will be in a year’s time.

Some people we met remained really optimistic, and didn’t visualize a attribute changing during all.

Lena, 21, suspicion that a USA and Germany both certainly indispensable any other. She pronounced that while family would be some-more difficult, zero would change overall.

Klaus, 74, agreed, observant that America is Germany’s best friend, and while he thinks that Trump might not be a male for a job, he is usually one man. The attribute between a dual nations as a whole will stay good, he said.

But others were some-more pessimistic, blaming Trump for a breakdown.

One lady said: “I wish all will be alright, though meaningful who Donald Trump is, we don’t consider a attribute will be so good.”

Perhaps a many desperate criticism came from a prime male we met on Friedrichstraße in executive Berlin.

“A lot of things that have been grown in a final decades will be destroyed,” he surmised.

Reporting by Julius Haswell and Angus Satow

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