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Eliza Schuyler Hamilton: 6 Things To Know About Her After You’ve Watched Hamilton

  • July 09, 2020

Eliza Hamilton Helped Raise Funds For The Washington Monument And Was Part Of The Star-Studded Procession At The Cornerstone Ceremony

In the final song of Hamilton, “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story,” Eliza Hamilton’s character runs through the list of everything she accomplished in the years following her husband’s death. One small section touches on Eliza’s role in the planning, funding, and construction of the Washington Monument, and that wasn’t something made up for the musical, as the real-life Eliza Hamilton was instrumental in getting support for the project. According to the Smithsonian, Eliza helped former First Lady Dolley Madison raise money for the tribute to her late husband’s mentor. Eliza even lived long enough to attend the cornerstone-laying ceremony in 1848, which was also attended by future president Abraham Lincoln.

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