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HiT ‘cast 134: Alexandre O. Philippe (‘Memory: The Origins of Alien’)

  • September 28, 2019

The filmmaker’s latest documentary reveals the creative storm that made the sci-fi classic possible.

Few directors know film fan culture like Alexandre O. Philippe.

He created “The People vs. George Lucas,” the 2010 documentary capturing the chasm between “Star Wars” fans and the franchise’s creator. The film became Netflix’s number one documentary, fascinating audiences who both loved and loathed the unconventional mind behind The Force.

Philippe is a movie lover, too, but one who can suss out the intricate ties between pop culture and society. Case in point: His 2014 feature “Doc of the Dead” examined our ongoing fascination with zombie films.

Later, he broke down one of the most iconic scenes of all time – “Psycho’s” shower sequence. “78/52” revealed how Alfred Hitchcock changed the face of horror, frame by frame.

Both the Sundance Film Festival and the South by Southwest Festival have embraced Philippe’s vision, and now he’s offering his more complex tale to date. “Memory: The Origins of Alien” looks at the 1979 classic in ways film fans will cheer.

“Memory” hits theaters and VOD services Oct. 4.

It’s not your ordinary mash note. “Memory” explores the meaning behind “Alien’s” infamous “chest burster” sequence, how the film’s creative team brought the title creature to life and the behind-the-scenes battles that nearly sunk the film.

The documentary also takes an extensive look into the mind of Dan O’Bannon, “Alien’s” unsung screenwriter.

Philippe discusses how “Memory” evolved, an exciting new project involving “The Exorcist” and much more in the latest HiT ‘cast.

Listen to “HiT ‘Cast 134 Alexandre O. Philippe Breaks Down ‘Alien’ Magic from ‘Memory’” on Spreaker.

This week’s episode explores the battle over Warner Bros.’ film “Joker.” Here’s the Daily Wire feature mentioned in the opening monologue as well as more background on the free speech fight behind the film.

And look for Philippe’s next film, “Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist.”

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