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Upcoming Oscar Isaac Movies And TV: What’s Ahead For The Star Wars Actor

  • October 12, 2020

Big Gold Brick (2020)

The name Brian Petsos may not ring a bell, but the writer, director, producer, and actor is actually someone whom Oscar Isaac has called a friend and frequent collaborator on several relatively smaller projects since they starred alongside each other in the star-studded dark comedy Revenge for Jolly!, which Petsos also wrote, in 2012. Eight years later, the buddies seem to have, essentially, revived that same sort of ensemble dramedy approach for Pestos’ feature-length directorial debut, Big Gold Brick, which chronicles the bizarre problems that arise after the middle-aged Floyd Deveraux (Andy Garcia) enlists writer Samuel Liston (Emory Cohen) to pen his biography. 

Isaac also serves as producer on the film, the first feature financed by Oceana Studios that is expected for an unspecified 2020 release, as well as acting in it opposite Megan Fox, Lucy Hale, and 2013’s Evil Dead star Shiloh Fernandez.

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