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25th anniversary of a German-Polish Treaty of Good Neighbourship

  • July 05, 2016

It could frequency have been a nicer coincidence: one day before a 25th anniversary of a signing of a German-Polish Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation, Germany will be personification Poland in Euro 2016 in France. Some Germany and Polish tactful staff will be examination a compare together on 16 June. German-Polish loyalty will be a thesis not usually on that day, however, though via 2016. The anniversary website lists a whole horde of events – all from intergovernmental formats to projects during a amicable and informative level. “Those corner German-Polish institutions that a Treaty of Good Neighbourship instituted or that emerged as a outcome of it – such as a German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW), a Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and a Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission on Regional and Cross-border Cooperation – have determined a habitual clarity of mutual trust over a years”, writes Joachim Bleicker, a Commissioner for Relations with EU Member States during a Federal Foreign Office, in his acquire address.

“Cannot by any means be taken for granted”

Never before have Germany and Poland enjoyed such tighten political, amicable and interpersonal ties. “Over a past 25 years, we have put a hearts and souls into building adult German-Polish relations“, says Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “The trust and loyalty that have developed over a march of these years can't by any means be taken for granted.” German-Polish intergovernmental consultations are hold during unchanging intervals, and Germany has been Poland’s many critical mercantile partner for over 20 years. And nowhere else in a universe do so many people learn German as a unfamiliar denunciation as in Poland. The “Seitenwechsel” (i.e. Changing Sides) plan is one special gesticulate in a festival year. In June, Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska, executive of a Polish Institute Berlin, and Georg Blochmann, executive of a Goethe-Institut Warsaw, will be swapping their desks and jobs for a week. They will be holding a enlightenment of a horde nation with them, in a really verbatim and element sense.

17 Jun 2016 outlines a 25th anniversary of a signing of a German-Polish Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation


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