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President Trump signs coronavirus relief plan to expand paid leave

  • March 19, 2020

The Senate voted on the legislation later than it originally hoped because Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., forced a vote on an amendment that ultimately failed. It voted on three amendments, all of which failed. 

The House bill that the Senate considered provides enhanced unemployment insurance, ensures that businesses that have fewer than 500 employees offer two weeks of paid sick leave to their workers, and includes increased funding for food assistance programs and guarantees free testing for the coronavirus. 

The bill faced opposition from Republican lawmakers in the House, who insisted on technical corrections to the bill. Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas was the prime Republican who held the bill up earlier this week. The revised legislation made changes that could limit the number of people who could get up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave.

Dozens of other Republicans lawmakers voted against the original bill, which had President Donald Trump‘s backing and received overwhelming support from House Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi crafted it with Trump’s Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin

Congress and the White House aim to pass another, more sprawling stimulus package to try to stop economic disaster. Republicans and Democrats have differing views on what a plan should contain. 

The Trump administration seeks an $850 billion to $1 trillion stimulus measure, which could include direct payments to Americans, tax cuts or relief to suffering industries.

McConnell said Wednesday that he would “not adjourn the Senate until we pass a far bolder package which must include significant relief for small businesses all across our country.”

In a statement cheering the Senate’s approval of the House-passed plan, Pelosi said Congress is “already hard at work on the third bill” which “will take bold, historic action on behalf of America’s workers and families.”

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